AWeb-II 3.0b Patch Release

AmiTrix PRESS RELEASE November 3, 1997

AWeb-II, 3.0b patch update for v3.0 now available!

An update for version 3.0 to 3.0b of AWeb is now available from our website as a patch archive for download by all 3.0 owners. You must have installed AWeb-II version 3.0 previously before you can install this patch, and you will need your original 3.0 disks.

New in this version

o Fixes the following bugs:
- AWeb could hang or crash (01000008, semaphore in illegal state) sometimes.
- Large paragraphs of text could be messed up.
- Small images on a line by themselves could take up too much vertical space.
- Scrolling horizontally, then going back would not display the document correctly.
- Opening a new window could load the document again.
- Reload of a redirected page when the redirection changed (like random Yahoo) didn't display the new page.
- With image loading set to "maps only", other images already in memory weren't displayed.
- Submitting a form from an unloaded image "button" didn't always work.
- ... and a few more minor items.

o Added support for image scaling for nontransparent images when using the internal (datatype based) decoder.
o Added support for all Windows characters in the range 128-159.
o Added support for RAmiga-C in text form fields (copy contents to clipboard)

MSRP remains unchanged at $45.00US / $60.00CAN plus $5.00 shipping on direct orders. For Canadian orders only, add 7% GST to the above for a total of $69.55CAN.

Current owners of AWeb v2.x or the shareware version may upgrade to the new version 3.0 for $20.00US / $27.00CAN, plus $5.00 shipping. For Canadian orders only, add 7% GST to the above for a total of #34.24CAN. Please include your current registration number with the shipping information.

Customers purchasing or upgrading to AWeb-II v3.0 will receive a free update to v3.1 when it becomes available at a future date. Some items to be added in this update include JavaScript support, internal mail & news, HTML 4.0 features, support for MiamiSSL, and other improvements.

NOTES:- We now have VISA for direct sales! Orders should be submitted via FAX or MAIL, with card details and signature for authorization. Do not send your card number by email. VISA orders will be charged in CAN $, less GST on International sales. Note that this is our banks requirements, we are not trying to be difficult.

- For those that prevously had probelms with our fax, our phone lines have now been replaced and everything is working again. Our appologies for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

Dealer and Customer inquiries welcomed! For more information, ordering AmiTrix products or dealer locations, contact us at:

AmiTrix Development,
5312 - 47 Street,
Beaumont, Alberta, T4X 1H9

Email: (Preferred, no phone orders please!)


Phone or Fax: 1+ 403-929-8459

(Please leave your mailing address, phone/fax number, &/or email address on phone messages when requesting information by mail.)

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